World Wildlife Day 2021 - NIKIN CH

World Wildlife Day 2021

Wildlife provides biodiversity on our planet and is essential for a balanced ecosystem - that is why World Wildlife Day draws attention to its importance.

For over four years, NIKIN has been planting trees, all over the world and wherever they are most needed. Over 1.1 million trees have been planted so far, making our planet a little bit greener and better. Tree by Tree - every Tree counts.

Why World Wildlife Day is important

Of course, trees have a positive impact on the environment and the climate, they clean the air we breathe and produce the oxygen that is vital for us. Trees and other plants are important suppliers of raw materials and food, which must be protected and preserved. For trees are not only important for us humans, but even more important for the wild fauna that lives in and from the forest. If the forest disappears, endangered animal species that cannot survive without the forest also disappear. For this reason, World Wildlife Day or Species Conservation Day will be held on 3 March 2021 to draw attention to the importance of the diversity of plants and animals in the world.

World Wildlife Day 2021

What is World Wildlife Day?

Since 2013, 3 March, the day on which the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) of 1973 was made, has been the international day of species conservation officially recognised by the UN. World Wildlife Day is the most important annual and global day dedicated to wildlife. This year's World Wildlife Day runs under the theme "Forests and livelihoods: sustainability for people and the environment" as a way to highlight the central role of forests, forest species and ecosystem services in sustaining the livelihoods of millions of people worldwide, especially indigenous and local communities with historical ties to forested and forest-related areas. This is in line with UN Sustainable Development Goals 1, 12, 13 and 15 and their wide-ranging commitments to reduce poverty, ensure sustainable resource use and conserve habitat.

Indigenous peoples are central to wildlife

Between 200 and 350 million people worldwide live within or adjacent to forested areas and rely on the various ecosystem services provided by forests and forest species for their livelihoods and to meet their most basic needs such as food, shelter, energy and medicines. Indigenous peoples and local communities are at the forefront of the symbiotic relationship between people and forests, forest-dwelling wildlife species and the ecosystem services they provide. Some 28% of the world's land area is currently managed by indigenous peoples, including some of the most ecologically intact forests on the planet. These areas are not only central to their economic and personal well-being, but also to their cultural identity.

Orca Project

Covid-19 exacerbates the situation

Forests, forest species and the livelihoods that depend on them are currently at the intersection of several global crises we currently face, from climate change to biodiversity loss to the health, social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. On 3 March 2021, World Wildlife Day celebrates forest-based livelihoods and seeks to promote models and practices for managing forests and forest-dwelling wildlife that take into account both human well-being and the long-term conservation of forests, forest-dwelling wildlife species and the ecosystems they sustain, and promote the value of traditional practices and knowledge that help build a more sustainable relationship with these important natural systems.

The Orca Project with OneTreePlanted

By planting trees, we not only help the forest and the animals and people living in it, but the chain goes much further next. That's why we support the Orca Project of our partner OneTreePlanted - and thus stand up for the preservation of wildlife. You can help too! The endangered Southern Orca has lived in the Pacific Ocean between Northern California and British Columbia for thousands of years. On their annual migration from north to south and back again, the orcas rely on west coast Chinook salmon, which make up almost 80% of their diet. However, salmon stocks are declining sharply due to habitat loss and increasing pollution - which ultimately affects orcas downstream. Planting trees along rivers and streams in the Pacific Northwest restores habitat for the endangered orca. Trees help reduce pollution and improve the health and numbers of salmon, which are vital to the orca.

Wildlife Switzerland

Wildlife in Switzerland

We also have wild animals, some of which are endangered. Wild animals usually live in the wilderness, i.e. in the wild. However, due to the growth of settlements or the development of more agricultural land, this space is becoming increasingly smaller. Therefore, animals also move into settlement areas to find a habitat. Thus they share many habitats with us, but - unlike domestic and farm animals - they take care of themselves and are not domesticated. They live independently of humans, but not unaffected. Wolves, foxes, bears and lynxes are just a few of them that have been reintroduced into populated regions in recent years. Their protection is very important and yet compromises must always be found - coexistence between humans and wild animals poses great challenges.


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