Bye bye Black Friday - hello GREEN Friday! - NIKIN CH

Bye bye Black Friday - hello GREEN Friday!

It's that Friday at the end of November again, when people flock to the crowded shops or let their credit cards run hot in online shopping and throw their money around - for things they don't really need. "But everything is cheaper than usual today." - It's Black Friday again!

It's that Friday at the end of November again, when people flock to the crowded shops or let their credit cards run hot in online shopping and throw their money around - for things they don't really need. "But everything is cheaper than usual today." - It's Black Friday again! 

Green Friday at NIKIN
The phenomenon that promotes unchecked shopping and consumer addiction comes from the USA and serves as economic driver of the Christmas business, which is annually more and more more flushes turnover into the shops' coffers. The excessive and consumption entails considerable consequences for our nature and environment and ultimately for us humans. And that is why we clearly speak out against Black Friday and make it GREEN FRIDAY instead !  

From 1 Tree make 2 trees

Those who are looking for cheap bargains from NIKIN at Green Friday , look in vain. On the occasion of the Green Friday weekend from Friday, 29.11. to Sunday, 1.12. we plant for each of our products two trees instead of one Tree! The earth will be greener by twice the amount of trees and maybe compensate a part of the emissions caused on Black Friday. By the way, there are no additional costs for you. 



We appeal to our community not to be blinded by the flood of bargains and instead to think carefully about what you really need and what you don't need. Often, less is more and, if the quality is right, it will work longer.
With us, you profit while nature profits.

330,000 trees already planted - many more to come

You probably already know who we work with to effectively plant the trees. But if you don't, we'll be happy to explain it to you again.

The principle is basically quite simple: for every product sold from our range, we invest a portion of the proceeds in tree planting projects. For this purpose, we work together with OneTreePlanted, a renowned non-profit organization from the USA. For each product sold, we give our partner $1 next - one Tree is then planted for every dollar. OneTreePlanted then regularly organizes tree planting projects in various places around the world where trees have previously disappeared for various reasons. You will receive a personal tree certificate from us, which assures you that a Tree is really planted in your name.

By the way, we will also be planting two trees instead of one at Green Friday 2020. You can find the information here.

For more information on tree planting, see Tree Planting.


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1 comment

Perdu ma bouteille isotherm il y a 2 mois, j'avais décidé d'en prendre une chez vous, ben j'attendrais vendredi :)


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