"Green Dating": environmental protection and love - NIKIN CH

"Green Dating": environmental protection and love

Dating apps have proven their worth in dating for years. The advantages are obvious, because before you meet in person, the important things you have in common are defined. In addition to appearance, values and hobbies, another dimension is increasingly coming into play here: Sustainability and environmental awareness.

Dating for a better world

The fact is that anyone who is uncompromising about their values in everyday life and has to defend them from time to time does not want to do the same in a relationship. You want harmony and agreement on this important point if you don't always meet with complete understanding from parents, colleagues and friends. From this point of view, it seems perfectly sensible to limit your choice of partner to those candidates who share your views or at least understand them. The fact that we are increasingly moving away from the romantic idea of falling in love next is a price that more and more singles are willing to pay.

Birds of a feather flock together

In practice, users of Tinder and Bumble, for example, can add veganism, vegetarianism and climate change as interests in their profile. OkCupid can even filter out all potential partners who think climate change is fake news. Platforms such as Grazer, GreenSingles, Veggly or the German-language "Gleichklang" are only open to people with strong ecological views. 

The future of dating is...green?

In view of the growing realization that things cannot continue on a finite planet with infinite growth, the number of people who want to live sustainably is increasing. It is therefore reasonable to assume that attitudes towards nature and animals will become even more important when choosing a life partner, as well as in the composition of the circle of friends. Established dating sites will probably be forced to meet their customers where they are - and to integrate corresponding functions.

How have you experienced the issue of environmental protection in your relationship? Have you already had a relationship break up due to different points of view, or have you found a partner who shares your convictions?

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