Sustainable energy sources - renewable energies - NIKIN CH

Sustainable energy sources - renewable energies

Sooner or later, natural resources will be irrevocably depleted and yet energy consumption in our latitudes continues to rise next. It is time to switch - to renewable energies!

Although at NIKIN we are primarily concerned with sustainable materials in the fashion industry and fighting against global deforestation, it is important to think sustainably in other areas of life as well. We not only want to reach our customers, but also motivate people to rethink their lifestyle and possibly make it more sustainable. There is no way around thinking about alternative energy sources and thus reducing the burden on the planet.

wind wheel

What are "renewable energies"?

Sustainable are all energies that can be renewed by definition, i.e. that do not come from finite sources. Of course, there are already quite a few of these. Hydropower has been around for a long time. Especially at dams, the natural power of water is converted into electricity.

Other renewable energies from nature are:

  • Solar energy: harnessed with the help of appropriate solar cells and connected batteries, solar energy can be used directly (for heating water in the home, for example) or stored or fed into the grid. There is an abundance of models!
  • Wind energy: energy is generated with the help of wind turbines and turbines, very similar to the exploitation of hydropower.
  • Geothermal heat: this process makes use of the natural heat in deeper layers of the earth's mantle.
  • Biogas: the "exhaust air" from farm animals produces methane gas, which, as so-called biogas, is a renewable energy source. Anyone who spends any length of time in a cowshed will understand why...


solar panels


Conventional energy sources and why they are so harmful

So our planet offers renewable energy sources in abundance. Unfortunately, they are still relatively little used. Most of the demand is covered by so-called fossil fuels, including coal, oil and natural gas. Another part is covered by nuclear power in at least some countries.
Fossil fuels all originated in the Earth's antiquity through the decay of organic materials and have acquired their characteristic properties over millions of years of compression in deeper layers of soil. They were gradually discovered as fuels in the course of the industrial revolution and the emerging use of the steam engine.
Heavy consumption has its price - because fossil fuels are FINITE. Even the most extensive oil fields will be "empty" - and quite soon. For a global economy that is currently inconceivable without fossil fuels, this is a bleak outlook. In addition, fossil fuels are burned. In the process, pollutants are released that have a considerable impact on the global climate. Almost irreversibly. The constant "ignition" with gas, oil and coal does not contribute to the quality of life either. Anyone who has had the pleasure of prolonged traffic jams in a densely populated city centre has had the experience of feeling "out of sorts" for days after inhaling the exhaust fumes. Fossil fuels are therefore all harmful. Nevertheless, industry, business and politics still cling to these energy sources in many areas.

Fossil Fuel

What are the advantages of renewable energy?

Renewable energies are the future - not only are they not finite, but they are also much cleaner. Although sustainable energies also have their disadvantages, these are significantly fewer than those of conventional fossil fuels.
A rethink is slowly getting underway - much too slowly, according to proponents. Nevertheless, the use of renewable energies is supported and subsidised. Cities and municipalities are going "green" either for partial projects or in their entirety - for example, through the widespread use of solar energy or geothermal energy. But end consumers can also use renewable energies. The simplest way to harness the power of the sun is with small, portable solar cells. Outdoor lighting, water heaters, even small batteries can be powered by solar energy. This works in the home, but also in the flat. The use of such "island solutions" is ideal for more remote, possibly stand-alone buildings and installations. This saves the tedious and costly connection to the electricity grid.
In fact, most consumers primarily use solar energy in one form or another, be it for hot water for showering or with a handy little "solar pad" for camping and leisure to charge the mobile phone. Renewable energies are no longer the exclusive domain of do-gooders, but have been part of everyday life for years. And they will play a much bigger role there in the future!

Solar energy

Taking part is not so difficult

Anyone interested in the possibility of using more or entirely renewable energies, whether in a company or at home, will find a corresponding advice centre in most municipalities, not only in Switzerland but in almost all of Europe. Here you can find out about technically feasible solutions as well as competent specialised companies in the vicinity, but also about the available government subsidies.

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