5 reasons why we love fall so much - NIKIN CH

5 reasons why we love autumn so much

Autumn has officially begun - and is probably the most underestimated season of all. Yet there are endless beautiful things that are best enjoyed in the golden season. We have listed five reasons why we love autumn so much.

1. culinary delights as far as the eye - or tongue - can see

Autumn fruits
Apples, pears and more: fall invites you to culinary adventures.
No season offers as many delicious varieties as autumn. Pumpkin, apples or mandarins: many delicacies are in season in autumn. They contain all the power of summer. That makes it all the more exciting to try out new dishes in autumn. Our current autumn favourites:
    Would you like to try one of the dishes? Send us a photo or tell us what you think.

    2. autumn excursions: picnic in nature

    Autumn at the lake
    Mystical moods are not uncommon in autumn and are best enjoyed at a picnic.
    Anyone can have a picnic in summer, but in autumn a picnic in nature is even more magical. The leaves on the trees change colour, there are far fewer people out in the fresh air and you can enjoy the silence of nature even more. Pack your woollen blanket, fill your TreeBottle with warm tea and grab your loved ones. We are sure that your picnic in nature will be unforgettable.

    3. hikes are even more magical in autumn

    Hiking in autumn
    In autumn, hikes are even more magical.
    Autumn time is hiking time! Most of the accessible mountain peaks are still snow-free, nature shines in golden tones and the atmosphere is magical. Don't miss out on the magical hiking moments of autumn and climb your next peaks despite the chilly temperatures. Warm clothing is the key. And while you're wrapped up warm and the fresh air is wafting around your nose, you'll love autumn just as much as we do. So get going, lace up your hiking boots and head for the next peak.

    4. stay at home without a guilty conscience 

    Comfortable at home
    In bad weather, it's best to recharge the batteries at home.
    We love nature, the treetops in all autumnal colours and the rustling when we walk over leaves. But when it's raining cats and dogs, we also like to be in the comfort of our own home. The great thing about autumn is that we can do this on rainy days without a guilty conscience. The rainy days are an invitation to hide under the covers and read a book. We like to use autumn to recharge our batteries and come to rest.

    5. So many reasons to tinker

    Wooden panels and light chain
    Whether fairy lights or wooden boards: In autumn, we never run out of craft ideas.
    Autumn is a particularly good time for handicrafts, decorations and home décor. But leaves and pine cones are not the only things you can use to decorate your home in autumn. Halloween is already at the end of October - and that's a great time to get creative. Pumpkin carving is a great way to let your inner child out. If you are particularly talented, you can even make your own kite: Make it, let it fly and be amazed! And once you've been bitten by the craft bug, you can get right down to decorating for Christmas. You'll never run out of craft ideas in autumn.
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