NIKIN Manufacturers at a glance - NIKIN CH

NIKIN manufacturers at a glance

You can now find all manufacturers at FactoryTracker with us. This includes not only the geographical location, but also other facts and very importantly: how our partners meet our sustainability criteria meet our sustainability criteria.

To offer more transparency in the area of sustainability, we now have the FactoryTracker with all our manufacturers. With the FactoryTracker you can find out where and who produces your TreeShirt or Treeanie. You can also find out more details about each company: How long they have been around, whether they are a family business and what they specialise in. Certificates of the producers are also listed. The completed questionnaire per producer on our sustainability criteria can also be found with the FactoryTracker.

Closer from NIKIN

How the FactoryTracker works 

You can search by product name (make sure it's the right one). 😉) to discover the manufacturers. Another option is to search via the map. Simply click on a pin with your mouse and get to know our manufacturers better.
We see the companies and people who produce our articles as partners for more sustainability. Thanks to our sustainability criteria and the openness of the companies to provide information about their processes, we can make adjustments together and offer you more transparency at the same time. Discover the FactoryTrackernow.



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