The language of trees - how trees and plants communicate with each other - NIKIN CH

The language of trees - how trees and plants communicate with each other

Although trees are different from us, they communicate in their own way and are part of an intelligent and social cosmos together with fungi and other green species. Plants communicate, protect each other and adapt to each other. Find out how it works in the blog.

An animated nature in which all plants are part of a great whole, exchange, defend, perhaps even feel fear or joy? This is not the Ent-forest in Tolkien's Middle-earth, but any quite normal, relatively natural forest. Researchers like Peter Wohlleben have been drawing attention for years to the fact that plants do communicate - only they do so quite differently from animals or humans. Through the work of biologists, botanists and so-called plant neurologists, it has been proven that the WWW of trees, the Wood Wide Web, does indeed exist and is comparable to the internet, also in terms of its complexity. Trees warn each other of danger, engage in "brood care" and are even able to communicate with animals.

Tree in the light

The root brain of trees

Charles Darwin already compared the roots of plants and especially the sensitive root tips to the brains of lower creatures and spoke of the powerful mobility of plants. Current research proves him right. Deep underground, roots gather information that is passed on to the leaves high above - in the event of drought, for example. The Tree will "shut down" at least some of its foliage to cope with the lack of water. Conversely, the leaves signal the weather high up to the root system, and provide the roots with nutrients in the form of sugar thanks to the process of photosynthesis.

Tree leaves

How trees talk to each other

The perceptive ability of root tips was first demonstrated by Canadian forest scientist Suzanne Simard and confirmed by Bonn cell biologist Frantisek Baluska. However, the roots are not content to hold monologues with their own leaf canopy - trees are also in contact with each other via the network of roots. In this way, they recognize when a conspecific is growing in their vicinity, and both trees coordinate their growth so as not to get in each other's way. A Tree also recognizes saplings from its own seeds and provides them with nutrients. In addition to their own roots, fungi are the main mediators.


Information exchange on the mycelium of forest mushrooms

The fungal bodies that become visible above the ground are only a small part of the fungus. Underground runs the network of the mycelium, which can reach hundreds of meters in extent. The mycelium is the information carrier of the forest, Tree and fungus both benefit from the transmission of impulses. The Tree provides fungi with sugars, while the fungus provides the Tree with nutrients from the soil that the plant would not have access to on its own, or would have difficulty doing so. Scientists also have Suzanne Simard to thank for proving that and to what extent this nutrient transfer takes place - using radioactive carbon particles, the researcher was able to demonstrate the extent as well as the fact that even non-species-specific trees benefit from it.


Managing predators - with plant poisons and attractants

It is now also known that plants not only "talk" to other plants, but also interact with animals - they react quickly and often surprisingly effectively, especially to frass pests. The increased production of their own toxins can even be the undoing of large mammals if an otherwise "edible" Tree finds itself unduly threatened. Plants also defend themselves against caterpillars. For example, oaks transmit signals to trees in their neighborhood when they are attacked by the caterpillars of the processionary moth, and wild tobacco cranks up its nicotine content. The tobacco plant can even attract beneficial insects like lizards when the caterpillars can't be controlled any other way. As the director of the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena, Ian Baldwin, found out, the tobacco plant can tell who it is dealing with by the caterpillars' saliva.

Tree at the waterfall

Forests in documentary film - anything but extras

Documentary films Documentary films vividly convey how well the forest's communication network functions - and at the same time illustrate the damage caused by monocultures. A commercial forest is a monoculture that lacks the complex network of the Wood Wide Web. It lacks the mutual protection and the supply of vital nutrients, but also light and water that trees, even those of different species, share with each other. Moreover, the view of the secrets of the forest succeeds from a perspective that is unusual for us - namely that of the plants themselves.

We are also connected to trees! Find out now when the next NIKIN TreePlantingDay is and get to know our forest commitment better.

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