22 April is International Earth Day. This day aims to draw attention to the infinite wonderful facets of our Earth and to show it the appreciation it deserves.
In times of global crisis, we realize once again that we are all human and can only overcome such a crisis together. We are all in the same boat and can only pull ourselves to shore with cooperation, solidarity and mutual forbearance. But corona is by no means the only challenge facing our generation - global climate change, the sustainable use of resources and the preservation and protection of vital natural environments are also tasks that we can only tackle and overcome together. On April 22, International Earth Day, more than 175 countries around the world want to strengthen appreciation for the diverse natural environments of our planet and draw attention to problems. On Earth Day, environmentally friendly campaigns are held around the globe to give something good back to the earth and draw attention to grievances.
Origin of the international Earth Day
Earth Day has been around for over 50 years. The name and concept were first proposed at a UNESCO conference in San Francisco in 1969. The founder was John McConnell, an American peace and environmental activist. The first Earth Day was to be celebrated on March 21, 1970, the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere. This day was later established by the UN as a global day of action. Earth Day was then combined with an annual environmental action day on April 22, which drew particular attention to the problems of consumer behavior. Since 1970, environmental campaigns have always been held on April 22. On the first Earth Day in 1970, around 20 million people took part in such campaigns, at that time only in the USA and today around the globe.
What does Earth Day want and what can you do?
On international Earth Day, campaigns are held around the world that are committed to the climate, but also to science and education, people and communities, conservation and restoration, as well as against plastic and pollution. Earth Day also aims to motivate every individual to rethink their personal consumer behavior and make it more sustainable in the future. If everyone reduces their own ecological footprint, so much has already been done. You can find more information about international Earth Day here. How big is your ecological footprint and what can you do to reduce it? Find out with this test.
We act in the spirit of Earth Day
As a sustainable clothing and lifestyle brand, we appeal to you to pay attention to sustainable materials and production when buying clothes and accessories and not to be blinded by cheap offers from environmentally harmful fast fashion. We stand for fair and sustainable materials and production of our products. The vast majority of our products are manufactured in Europe, which prevents long and environmentally damaging transportation routes. Wherever possible, we use sustainable alternatives to conventional materials, as evidenced by various sustainability certifications, which we also disclose transparently. We use tree-free paper (made from waste from the sugar cane industry) in our everyday work and we also attach great importance to proper recycling. The latest product in our store is the TreeShoes SlipOn - they are super comfortable, totally trendy and, above all, more sustainable than many conventional shoes.