Gardening in November: What you can still plant now - NIKIN CH

Gardening in November: what you can still plant now

Nature goes to bed in November. Plant something now? With winter just around the corner? November is actually the perfect month for planting many trees, flowering plants and vegetables, as long as you know what to look out for.

Why November is suitable for planting

The garden is actually already prepared for winter from October. Many plants have already been pruned, the clippings have been removed and the leaves that have not yet fallen will do so very soon. The garden and gardeners could take a well-deserved winter break. But the opportunity to bring in new plants now should not be missed. As many trees, shrubs and other plants are already surviving on the back burner, it is easier for them to survive transplanting. The following groups of plants are particularly suitable. 

A young offspring
Image: Every Tree starts small.

Fruit trees

Fruit trees and shrubs purchased with bare roots are often cheaper than comparable specimens in pots. And it is precisely these trees that can be planted in November before the first frost sets in! To do this, the rootstock must be warmed up in a lukewarm water bath and any adhering dirt removed. In the meantime, prepare the planting hole and enrich it with a little humus or compost. Carefully insert it, straighten it, shovel it in and tap it down. Slender, tall trees appreciate a support during the first years of their life. 

Matching NIKIN products

As it gets a bit chilly in November, we have the right clothes and accessories for you at NIKIN to keep the whole family nice and warm. 

We also have TreePlanting Kits that you and your family can plant all year round. You can choose from the bee tree, the wild pear tree and the Nordmann fir. Take a look at the tutorial here!


Robust, autumn vegetables can still be sown in October and November. As many of them grow quickly, hopes of a harvest are quite realistic. In addition to carrots and parsnips, cabbages and root parsley are particularly suitable.  

Harvested fall vegetablesPicture: With a bit of luck, your fall vegetables will look like this in a year at the latest.

Flower bulbs and ornamental shrubs

The foundations for the coming flowering splendor are also laid in November, as many flower bulbs should be planted right now. The bulbs for roses, tulips, crocuses and daffodils, for example, need to be in the ground now, as they need a period of frost in order to sprout all the more beautifully in spring. Ornamental shrubs can also be planted before the first frost, usually before mid-November.

Gardening together in November 

As the golden summer nights give way to autumnal, misty evenings, the opportunities for extended outdoor activities become fewer. This makes it all the nicer to enjoy gardening together and implement garden design ideas with the family. Planning and buying the plants is a lot of fun - especially as you can admire the result just three months later. Gardening is a sustainable and meaningful way to spend your free time. Visit the nursery one last time and dedicate yourself to this activity that is close to nature and enriching for people and the garden! 

A sprout freshly inserted
Image: Planting together is quality time - whether as a family or with your flatmates.

Support NIKIN's mission

We at NIKIN have set ourselves the goal of making the world a greener place. Together with our community, we want to plant trees - not only by supporting the projects of our partner One Tree Planted, but also literally. For example, we regularly organize TreePlantingDays. By gardening, you can also contribute to this mission in your private life.

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