NIKIN has already planted a whole million trees. To celebrate this milestone, NIKIN adopted a 100-year-old beech tree. It symbolizes one million trees planted around the world.
NIKIN has already planted a whole million trees. To celebrate this milestone, NIKIN adopted a 100-year-old beech tree. It symbolizes one million trees planted around the world.

One million trees: an incredible number. To celebrate this milestone, NIKIN adopted an impressive, mighty beech tree at Fünfweiher in Lenzburg. It symbolizes one million trees around the world.
Inauguration in a narrow setting
"We are proud and grateful to be able to inaugurate the millionth Tree today," said Robin Gnehm in front of the mighty beech tree. Only the two founders and two NIKIN employees equipped with cameras were allowed to take part in this moment. This meant that the coronavirus measures could be adhered to and this special occasion could be recorded for other employees and the NIKIN community. The two founders ceremoniously opened the gift ribbon in which the NIKIN-Tree was wrapped. In addition, next to the Tree, right on the side of the road, there is now a plaque on each side that labels the millionth Tree . Nicholas Hänny and Robin Gnehm were also allowed to affix this plaque.

Exciting talk guests
Such a big milestone should actually be celebrated - with a huge party, with all NIKIN employees and the entire community. Actually. Because the corona measures did not allow this. To give the NIKIN community exciting insights into the world of trees, forests and NIKIN despite everything, we held TreeTalks. We invited guests to take a seat on our sofa - outside and at a distance, of course - and discuss with us. The result was three interesting TreeTalks with the following guests:
- Nicholas Hänny and Robin Gnehm: the two founders of NIKIN are not to be missed when it comes to the inauguration of the millionth NIKIN tree. On the sofa, they talk about how it all began, how they felt about this special moment of the millionth tree and how they had themselves tested. As the idea for NIKIN was born in a pub, they competed in a pub quiz that revolved around tree-related questions.
- Matthias Ott: The head forester of the Lenzia forestry service worked with us to select the millionth Tree and presented it to us. In TreeTalk, he answered questions about forests, their function and also explained why it's not the best idea to fly to Mallorca for a weekend.
- Florian Landolt: The Head of Communications and Politics at Swiss Forests gave us exciting insights into the activities of forest owners, the forest etiquette that must be observed in Switzerland and told us how to buy a piece of forest in the first place.
Millions more trees to follow
"This is just the beginning of a wonderful story" is written on the sign in front of NIKIN-Tree in Lenzburg. NIKIN continues to plant Tree for Tree - tree by tree. "Of course we hope that we can plant two, three, four or more million more trees," says Nicholas Hänny at the inauguration. When asked about the next big NIKIN projects, the two founders are beaming from ear to ear - even when wearing masks. NIKIN They reveal that they are planning shoes so that they can be dressed from head to toe in NIKIN products in the future. And the shop-café, a mixture of NIKIN store and café, is also one of the tree-filled projects for 2021. NIKIN will certainly not be boring.