More vacations thanks to bridging days? 2023 is in your hands. - NIKIN CH

More vacation thanks to bridge days? In 2023, it's up to you.

More is not always better, but sometimes it's smarter. Especially when it comes to the number of vacation days you have. And you can easily extend them: Take advantage of the bridges around the church, regional and local holidays in 2023, leaving you more time for yourself and your loved ones. They'll appreciate it, too. Go for it, even if your boss frowns. After all, you can only do your best when you're doing well.

Ideally, we all love what we do at work. Nevertheless, there should be enough time left over to relax, recuperate, and recharge your batteries - and not just over the normal weekend. Regardless of whether you stay at home or go far away, whether you prefer to do nothing or be active: You should enjoy your well-deserved four or five weeks of vacation to the fullest - and, if possible, cleverly extend it with bridge days.

Image: Let's go, let's go.

You should be from the Grisons

One thing right from the start: anyone working in Graubünden will continue to enjoy 16 statutory public holidays and rest days in 2023. All the same, everyone who works in the cantons of Aargau, Lucerne and Schwyz, Ticino, Uri and Zug is entitled to 14 days off. In Fribourg and Solothurn, the number is the same, although one day is only half paid. Workers in Appenzell Ausserrhoden, Geneva and Vaud have it least good: they are entitled to between eight and nine days off per year. If we compare Switzerland as a whole, next year will bring us an average of ten public holidays.

Image: Dive into the mountain world and breathe a sigh of relief.

Minimum stake, maximum profit

In some cantons and regions, it will be enough to redeem a single vacation day in 2023 to bridge the gap seven times and benefit from four days off in a row. In the first half of the year, these are the three Thursdays on Ascension Day (May 18), Corpus Christi (June 8) and Peter and Paul (June 29). The second half of the year gives us four occasions: the National Day on August 1 and Assumption Day on August 15, the Geneva Day of Prayer on September 7, and St. Stephen's Day on December 26, a classic.

Image: The sound of the sea instead of the clatter of a keyboard.

Quality instead of quantity

What's the point of having days off if you can't enjoy them to the full? Many people are stressed all year round. All the more reason to plan your days off well and prepare for them in advance.

  • Flying out when everyone is doing it? Not a good idea. If you want your peace and quiet, you'd better not set off together with legions of people. Cars get stuck in traffic jams, airline passengers at check-in or security. If you take the train, you're often better off and arrive more relaxed - usually right in the center of town.

  • Visit places that are crowded anyway? No problem, if you're a herd animal. Everyone else prefers to look for less desirable destinations. Does it always have to be Ticino over Easter, the Mediterranean in summer or a winter sports resort over the holidays? Often the good stuff is just around the corner, so to speak. And it can also be reached on foot, by bike or by public transport.

  • Does it always have to be consumption? Anything that can be had for money is fun - but often only for a short time. What would it be like if we were to focus more on real values again and communicate more instead of consuming: Being together, cultivating family and friendships, seeing nature with different eyes, or even planting a Tree ? Enjoying the small things opens up new worlds - and is even more sustainable.
Conclusion: If planned correctly, bridge days can build bridges. To your very own self and to lasting quality of life.
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1 comment

What you write here above may be wonderful in theory. I live in Graubünden and we do not have 16 holidays! These are even some less than for example Zurich! With us free days were abolished like All Saints Day. We have never had May 1 off. Assumption Day also not... So where do you get the information that we have so much free? 6i lüte , Knabenschiessen doesn't exist here for a long weekend without taking time off!
But hand on's still nice to live here...because every day gives you the feeling to be close to nature...maybe that's why they abolish all holidays in advance...we don't need them...(?) would only be nice they would be compensated by more self-employed Fridays, which
We then use on days where
half of Switzerland is not here. ...that would be a project? Greetings Anja


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