Our tree planting project in June: Hilltribe's forestry in Thailand - NIKIN CH

Our tree planting project in June: Hilltribe's forestry in Thailand

Together with our community, we support different tree planting projects around the world every month. In June, we are supporting the "Hilltribes Forestry & Agroforestry" project in Thailand. The aim of the project is not only to restore water catchment areas, but also to educate and involve the local community for a sustainable ecological regeneration of the area. You can find out more about this project in this blog.

A project for plants as well as for people

The "Golden Triangle" is the name given to the watershed area in which the "Hilltribes Forestry & Agroforestry" project in Thailand is focused. Mae Na Wong, Nam Kohk, Mae Ta Chang and Mae Yang Mint are located in the north of Thailand, very close to the border with Myanmar. Despite being located in these watersheds, hill tribe communities are struggling with water scarcity. Many trees have fallen victim to the use of chemicals in crop cultivation, erosion and storms. The area also has a long history of violence and exploitation of ethnic minorities. In order to ensure both the water supply and the restoration of the plants, the local community is being trained and involved in this special project.

Picture: local farmer's wife plants Tree-Setzling

A community act for a better future 

Planting trees and promoting sustainable forestry and agroforestry in a country is most successful when the local population is involved. For this reason, this project pays particular attention to training local farmers in practical methods. The local community is taught how to build and maintain cisterns for villages and individual families as well as dams. Especially in the rainy season, these dams prevent harmful runoff, reduce erosion and increase water availability, while at the same time providing habitats for birds, fish, amphibians and many other animals and plants. Farmers are also empowered to establish and maintain high-yielding, sustainable and community-based tree nurseries, with seedlings planted on farms and community land.

Picture: Villagers from northern Thailand

What is self-set is more likely to be protected

The tree species and locations are selected by community members and small farmers based on their needs and preferences. The aim of the project is to plant 18,600 trees. By motivating and actively involving the local population to think long-term, they will take sustainable care of the trees over time. But the project does not end there, it will continue, and by the end of 2025, around 1100 families will have planted 1.3 million trees, worked in 56 community forests and restored 188,900 hectares.

Picture: Project area in Thailand

Together for a greener world

Our commitment to the environment goes beyond planting trees. We believe in the power of community and that together we can make the world a better place. Would you like to get involved too? For every NIKIN product you buy, we plant a Tree. Together we make the world greener - #treebytree!

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