Four sustainable Christmas decorations to make yourself - NIKIN CH

Four sustainable Christmas decorations to make yourself

Christmas decorations should be beautiful and festive, but also sustainable. And if you can make them yourself, you'll start the new year with a few extra karma points. Good, right?

But what are sustainable Christmas decorations? We have defined it for ourselves as follows: sustainable Christmas decorations are best...

  • ... can also be used again after the holidays
  • ... is made from resources that you already have at home or find in nature
  • ... preferably made from more ecological materials such as glass, wood and compostable food


1. "Honey, where do you keep your nicest coat hanger?"

This sustainable Christmas decoration impresses with its simplicity. The most beautiful coat hanger in the house, string and paper. It's best to use tree-free paper. With a little dexterity, the Christmas trees will also come out quite well. If the 3D Christmas trees are too heavy for you, we recommend switching to 2D.


2. the fir tree takes center stage in this sustainable Christmas decoration

All you need for this sustainable Christmas decoration are glass bottles, long candles and a few fir branches. The latter are best picked up directly from the forest floor. You don't need to buy the glass bottles either. At best, wine or fruit juice bottles can be recycled in this way!

3. a new look for your candles

You probably already have candles at home. To give them the right look for Christmas, head to the food department to buy a bunch of cinnamon sticks at auction. These can be attached around the candle with a pretty ribbon.

4. homemade candles in 10 minutes

This sustainable Christmas decoration works either with beeswax or with normal wax if you want the candle to be vegan. Simply dissolve the wax in a water bath in a glass of your choice. It's worth making sure that the wick remains nicely centered. Alternatively, there is also wax for rolling, for example here.

Perhaps you also have other decorating ideas or maybe you'll implement ours straight away? Send us a photo of your creation via social media and we'll add it to this blog. Happy crafting!

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