The world's forests are in danger. Every year, an area of forest the size of Costa Rica is lost. We are actively committed to reforestation, because reforestation is urgently needed. Why and how do you do it right?
The world's forests are in danger. Every year, an area of forest the size of Costa Rica is lost. We are actively committed to reforestation, because reforestation is urgently needed. Why and how do you do it right?
Forests - complex, diverse ecosystems and resources
Trees and forests are essential for the survival of more than just humans. Forests are complex, in some cases unique ecosystems that provide a home for numerous plants and animals, as well as humans. Many species that live in the rainforests, for example, are not yet known or have not yet been researched.
These may include plants that are of crucial importance for the medicine and pharmacy of tomorrow! Provided they still exist tomorrow...
The world's great forests are found in South America, equatorial Africa and South-East Asia, but also in the northern hemisphere, where the boreal coniferous forest stretches from Norway to Kamchatka. Germany, Austria and Switzerland also still have extensive forest areas. However, much of this is forest, i.e. a "field" of trees. There are hardly any real primeval forests left in Europe. The Bialowieska Forest on the Polish-Russian border is possibly the last real primeval forest in Europe, and it too is under siege.
But the good news is: you can do something about it.
Reforestation makes sense. And it is already happening!
Reforestation refers to the replacement of lost trees and forest areas with new plantations. However, for reforestation to be of any use, there is little point in planting all the same kind of trees in rows, as is the case in traditional forestry.
Instead, a diverse habitat must be created. Smaller and larger trees, coniferous and deciduous trees and shrubs together form a mixed forest which, thanks to its versatility, can also be home to a variety of living creatures.
In addition, mixed planting does not take nutrients from the soil on one side and the different plants help each other to thrive. Gardeners already know that the shade and roots of larger trees provide protection for smaller plants, and that the flora and fauna of healthy mixed forests depend on each other throughout the life cycle of all their inhabitants.
If you want to reforest sustainably, you have to do more than just plant trees. The right trees need to be in the right place. Around the world, sustainable planters and farmers are now leading the way on a small scale and using their models to stand up to the large, forest-eating monocultures.
We at NIKIN are taking part
To ensure that the world's forests continue to provide us with life and recreation for a long time to come, we are part of the effort to plant new trees on the planet. For every item you buy at NIKIN , we plant a Tree. Not ourselves, of course - we work with our partner OneTreePlanted to do this. The organization works worldwide to ensure that new trees are planted where forests are receding.
1 comment
How do you make sure that One TreePlanted acts according to your intentions and agreements? Which trees are planted where? Thanks for your feedback