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Vote for your favorite design for this year's festival! Simply cast your vote in the poll below.
Design for nature with NIKIN - take part in the design competition!
Do you have talent and have always wanted to bring out one of your works of art? Then this is your chance! Products such as T-shirts or hoodies with unique graphic prints are an integral part of our range, and now you can become a part of it. Design for nature and help protect it. The winning design will be produced by us on at least one product and will be available from next spring. In addition to other great prizes, the artist will be mentioned by name in the product description.
The competition is aimed at students, young graphic designers and aspiring artists and participants must be at least 18 years old or have the consent of a parent or guardian.
Apply now and submit your print design via the form by September 29, 2024. Don't want to take part yourself, but know someone who is talented? We would be delighted if you could pass on this call.